Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Let the Games Begin

Molly Clauss, Prep music and Friendship Club teacher, is our resident Olympics guru. In an effort to bring the Olympics home to her students, Molly has created a blog through which the class is communicating with people in Vancouver, fans, parents of athletes competing in the Games, and even some athletes themselves. In her first post, Molly spelled out the mission for the site and for her class: "We are a class from New York State that wants to know more about the Olympic experience, and we are hoping that people who are attending the Olympics will become our eyes and ears, and write to us about the events they attend." I think it's safe to say, we've all been surprised, pleasantly so, by the response. And it is great to see a committed and innovative teacher making use of technology to teach our students about competition, sportsmanship, geography, and more. Thanks, Molly!

Molly Clauss and the Prep students taking the Olympic oath.

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